
MAC Baby Blooms LE

MAC Baby Blooms LE US Release 30.7.2009

Eine Sommer Kollektion mit einer neuen getönten Tagescreme "Studio Moisture Tint" die permanent wird und den limitierten Lippenbalsam in der Tube "Suntints".

BECOME A FORCE OF NATURE… Introducing Baby Bloom, the newest and simplest way to combat hot and cold extremes, air-conditioning and outrageous heat, with our next generation collection of Studio Moisture Tint treatments…makes the sunny side of the street the place to meet! Five neutral skin-tone shades, all SPF 15, to drench skin in healing emollients, give it glow, rescue it from future damage. And fresh new Suntints SPF 20 Liquid Lip Balm in five sheer colour shades, from Pink Tinge to Moist Plum, are the big news we’ve been tight-lipped about…until now!

Studio Moisture Tint SPF15 (permanent)
Light - Soft pale beige
Medium - Warm beige
Medium Dark - Caramel beige
Dark - Deep caramel
Deep - Dark Rich golden bronze

Suntints SPF20
Just A Smidge - Soft, pastel yellow with multi-coloured pearl
Lilt of Lily - Soft, creamy pale pink
Pink Tinge - Bright clean yellow-pink with gold pearl
Full of Grace - Soft, sheer rose
Moist Plum - Light lilac with very fine pearl

Bilder Maccosmetics

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