
MAC Colour Cheme LE

MAC Colour Scheme LE US Release Februar 2003
Eyeshadow Quad Colour Scheme 1
Truce - A receeding taupe (Satin)
Mild Orange - An eye opening coral (Satin) 
Stimulated Copper - A rouged copper (Satin) 
Studied Brown - A darkly contrasting brown black (Satin)

Eyeshadow Quad Colour Scheme 2
Quarry - A muted grey plum (Matte) 
Decorator Pink - A clear pink with gold highlights (Frost) 
Trax - A vivid-hued violet glazed with bronze (Velvet) 
Beauty Marked - A charcoal dappled with red pearl (Velvet)

Eyeshadow Quad Colour Scheme 3
Semi-Tone Greige - A primer putty (Satin) 
Excitable Yellow - An uninhibited yellow (Velvet) 
Sublimed Green - A dirty mint (Satin)
Shaded Mint - A dusky teal (Velvet)

Lipglass Stain
Briefly Pink – Understated neutral pink cream
Grape en Drape – Plushly multi-coloured glittered plum
Incandescent Gold – Yellow varnish shot with gold and glitter
Low Light Silver – Platinum blushed with icy pink
Peach Complement – Soft-touch peach with multi-colour glitter
Petulant Pink – Pink complemented by glittery gold
Red Scheme – Highly pinked red with pearl
Restrained Rust – Dirty pink dusted with shimmer
Untempered Gold – Faint tinted peach glittered with gold

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