
MAC Flashtronic LE

MAC Flashtronic LE US Release 19.7.2007

Mineralize Eye Shadow
Quarry - Sky Blue with olive, coral, and beige veining (frost)
By Jupiter - Light taupe with beige and deep brown veining (frost)
Mercurial - Yellow gold with lilac and chestnut veining (frost)
Lovestone - Raspberry with wine and copper veining (frost)
Tectonic - Yellow gold with lime green, warm brown, and black veining (frost)
Ether - Deep aqua with silver, black, and gold veining (frost)


Electro-Lush - Creamy blue pink (cream)
Flashtronic - Caramel bronze with subtle gold pearl (cream)
Perfectly Pink - Creamy mid-tone pink (cream)
Young Spark - Neutral pink with subtle gold pearl (cream)

Mineralize Skinfinish

Gold Spill - Pink peach with warm brown and cream pearl
Global Glow - Mid-tone brown with gold pearl
Northern Light - Mid-tone pink with rust and grey brown veining
Bilder Maccosmetics

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