

MAC in HD LE US Release 10.9.2009

Cameras everywhere, media, madness, instant images flashed ,around the world in seconds…. You ARE being photographed! Better be optimum-optic, high-frequency fabulous, these are modern times! The In High Def collection is makeup designed for the, new-technology demands of the professional world… The sharp tone, colour and picture clarity of Hi-Def TV. For girls and boys who want to look good no matter who’s looking.

Close to Real
- Light, neutral peach pink (Lustre)
High Def
- Mid-tone neutral coral (Amplified Cream)
Sharp Focus
- Deep brown plum (Lustre)
Resolutely Red
- Deepened claret (Lustre)

Face&Body Foundation (permanent)

Mineralize SPF15 Foundation Loose (permanent)

Mineralize Skinfinish Natural (permanent)

187 Duo Fibre Brush
188 Small Duo Fibre Brush
Bilder Maccosmetics

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