
MAC Originals LE

MAC Originals LE US Release Dezember 2007

Parrot - deep aqua blue w/ bright green & blue pearlized pigments (Frost)
Ochre Style - mid-tone yellow brown w/gold (Frost)
A Little Folie - mid-tone red brown (Matte)
Daisychain - soft yellow beige w/soft white pearlized pigments (Satin)
Memorabilia - dusty purple (Matte)
Clue - mid-tone grey w/ silver pearlized pigments (Frost)
Alum - mid-tone blue grey w/ soft blue pearlized pigments (Frost)
Charred - deep steel grey w/ silver pearlized pigments (Frost)
Frisco - soft pastel pink (Matte)

Pigment (permanent)
Kitschmas - Light airy shimmering pink/mauve pearl (Frost)
Violet - Vivid bright violet-purple (Frost)
Melon - Soft bright golden peach (Frost)
Golden olive - High frosted green/gold (Frost)
Steel blue - Rich deep turquoise green blue shone with small pearl particle (Pearl particle) (PRO)

Reflects Glitter
Blackened red - Sparkling burgundy (PRO)
Very pink - Sparkling fuchsia pink (PRO)
Transparent teal - Sparkling white with turquoise (PRO)
Antique gold - Sparkling taupe (PRO)

Sandy B. - light shell pink (Frost)
Rozz Revival - watermelon reddish pink (Lustre)
Chintz on hintz -Sheer mid-tone yellow brick (Lustre)
Russian Red - Intense bluish-red (Matte)
Twig Twig - neutral brown plum (Lustre
Supersequin - plummy pink w/ silver pearlized pigments (Lustre)
Nouveau-Frou - beigey grey pink w/ white pearlized pigments(Lustre)
Retrofluid -sheer deep plum w/ gold & red pearlized pigments (Lustre)
Back to Del Rio - deep brown red (Lustre)
Utter Pervette - soft pastel pink (Lustre)

C-Thru - Soft peached-beige with shimmer
Full on Lust - neutral brown pink
Avarice - mid-tone yellow red w/ soft red pearlized pigments
Real Desire - deep plum w/ red pearlized pigments
Nico Now - mid-tone grey purple w/mulitcoloured pearlized pigments

Eye Pencil
Ebony - Soft black
Coffee - Muted brown
Indigo - Muted greenish-blue

Mascara X

Bilder Maccosmetics

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