
MAC Overrich LE

MAC Overrich LE US Release 21.8.2008

Fall for luscious. The Cult of Cherry inspires Overrich, eight pigments that keep you de-lovely and delicious as ever. Oxidized, rich-metal hues are a cakewalk to apply, for eyes, face, all the sweet spots. In Copperbeam, Blonde's Gold, Museum Bronze and more, these Overrich pigments satisfy an appetite for glamour.

Blonde's Gold - Light tan with gold and white pearl (Pro)
Antique Green - Turquoise green with gold pearl (Pro)
Vintage Gold - Tarnished green with green pearl (Pro)
Museum Bronze - Rich taupe with gold pearl (Pro)
Mauvement - Cool taupe with gold pearl (Repromote)
Mega-Rich - Frosty burnt orange with gold pearl
Copperbeam - Rusted brown with red pearl (Pro)
Heritage Rouge - Deep burgundy with red and brown pearl (Pro)
Bilder Maccosmetics

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