
MAC Painterly LE

MAC Painterly LE US Release August 2007

Paint Pots (permanent)
Artifact - Dark burgundy with red pearl
Bare Study - Champagne with gold and white pearl
Blackground - Smoky black grey with multi colored pearl
Constructivist - Metallic dark brown with red pearl
Delft - Deep teal with gold pearl
Fresco Rose - Mid tone pink with mid tone pearl
Groundwork - Mid tone neutral taupe
Greenstroke - Mint green with gold pearl
Indianwood - Metallic antique bronze
Moss Scape - Green with gold pearl
Painterly - Nude beige
Rubenesque - Mid tone frosted golden peach with gold and pink pearl

Technakohl Liner
Antiquity - Rich olive green with green pearl
Archival - Faded royal blue
Foxtail - Metallic plum with red pearl
Photogravure - Soft black with brown undertone
Plank - Chocolate brown with brown pearl
Steelpoint - Charcoal with silver pearl

Featherette - Large feather lash set
Bilder Maccosmetics

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