
MAC Pro Preffered Skincare LE

MAC Pro Preffered Skincare LE US Release Summer 2003
"Value packed! Stuffed with basics! Each see-through pouch contians a full-size moisturizer, plus try-on sizes of eye cream, Fix+, and demi wipes. There’s one for everybody – and everys kin! Try one on!"

Try-On Pac #1 
Moisture Feed/Skin Jar, Fix+, Moisture Feed/Eye, Demi-wipes

Try-On Pac #2
Studio Moisture Fix Jar, Fix+, Fast Response Eye Cream, Demi-wipes

Try-On Pac #3 
Oil Control Lotion Bottle, Fix+, Fast Response Cream, Demi-wipes

Try-On Pac #4
SPF 30 Moisture Lotion Bottle, Pro-Preferred White Softening Lotion, Fast Response Eye Cream, Demi-wipes

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