

MAC Pure LE US Release März 1999

Kool - pale, sheer lavender
Hue - pale, sheer and soft pink
Hush - pale, sheer peach
Ozone - pale, silver-white glaze
Gliss - golden, peach glaze
Isis - cool, taupe glaze with an overcast of silver and aqua

Krisp - pale, luminous, frost cool white
Hush - pale, peach frost with pearl
Chill - luminous satin, cool white
Vex - pale, green and greyed frost with pearl (duochrome)

Cream Color Base
Kool - pale, muted lavender mauve frost with a white violet pearl
Luna - pale, luminous, cool frosted white
Tint - soft, muted mocha with a pale golden pearl
Hush - pale, peach frost

Nail Lacquer
Kool - compliment to kool and hue lipsticks
Gloss - compliment to hue and gliss lipsticks
Ozone - compliment to ozone lipstick
Hush - compliment to hush lipstick

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