
MAC Smoke Signals LE

MAC Smoke Signals LE US Release August 2007

Eyeshadow Quad Gentle Fume
Rondelle - Light silver with white pearl (frost) (repromote)
Carbon - Intense black (Matte) (perm)
Gentle Fume - Mid tone grey with silver pearl (velvet)
Waft - Deep blue grey (matte)

Eyeshadow Quad Smoking
Next to Nothing - Cream white with pink pearl (frost)
Smoking - Black with gold pearl (velvet)
Showstopper - Muted grey (matte) (repromote)
Satin Taupe - Taupe brown with silvery bronze shimmer (Frost)

Mellow Flame - Coral pink with red pearl (lustre)
Burnin' - Rich wine (amplified cream)
Brew - Cream beige (lustre) (repromote)
Barely Lit - Pink sand with gold pearl (lustre)
Sparks can Fly - Cream rose (LE)

Illicit - Neutral pink
Bare truth - Warm caramel
Soft and slow - Soft rose with gold pearl
Bizaarish - Burgundy with pearl

Powder Blush

Emote - Grey brown
Ablaze - Coral rose (frost)

Silver fog
Dark soul - Charcoal black smoked with gold
Smoke Signal - Deep maroon

Khol Power
Raven – Black with red pearl
Orpheus – Black with gold pearl

Nail Lacquer
Nocturnelle - Rich black (permanent)
Wildfire - Black with red pearl
Bilder Maccosmetics

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