
MAC Snake Eyes LE

MAC Snake Eyes LE US Release Oktober 2000

Chroma Eyeshadow
Purple Python
- Blackened burgundy eye shadow textured reminiscent of snake skin oversprayed with purple/blue duo-chrome
Green Garter
- Grey/green eye shadow textured reminiscent of snake skin oversprayed with gold/green duo-chrome
Sinful Serpent
- Purple eye shadow textured reminiscent of snake skin oversprayed with blue/green duo-chrome
Copper Cobra -
Beige/green eye shadow textured reminiscent of snake skin oversprayed with red/gold duo chrome

Eye Khol
Smolder - Deep jet-black (Permanent)
Teddy -
Reddish brown with golden shimmer (Permanent)
- Blackened blue (Permanent)
- Blackened plum (Permanent)

Nail Lacquer
Purple Python
- Deep, violet-blue multi-chromatic shade (Discontinued)
Green Garter
- Deep, acid green multi-chromatic shade (Discontinued)
Sinful Serpent
- Deep, blue-violet multi-chromatic shade (Discontinued)
Copper Cobra -
Deep, rustic red multi-chromatic shade (Discontinued)

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