
MAC Tastease LE

MAC Tastease LE US Release Winter 2003
Lipglass Tasti
Crème Cocktail - White frost (Limited Edition)
Latte Lick - Dark neutral (Limited Edition)
Sweet Brule - Neutral pink frost (Limited Edition)
Caramel Frostee - Bronze with yellow and red pearl (Limited Edition)
Tastease - Light, sheer natural peach (Limited Edition)
Coco Framboise - Brown with red pearl (Limited Edition)
Haute Chocolate - Neutral peach with yellow pearl (Limited Edition)
Jah Moka - Dark chocolate with gold and red pearl (Limited Edition)
Candy Bar - Light Neutral

Nail Lacquer 
Manicurette - Light neutral with yellow pearl (Limited Edition)
Molasses - Dark chocolate (Limited Edition)
Sunny Tan - Neutral with red pearl (Limited Edition)
Spicemix - Deep brown with red pearl (Limited Edition)
Naked Tip - Light, sheer neutral peach (Limited Edition)
Molten Brown - Brown with yellow and red pearl (Limited Edition)
Fruidaire - Neutral white-pink frost (Limited Edition)
Brizilliant - Dark neutral tan with silver pearl (Limited Edition)
Angelcake - Pink white with violet pearl (Limited Edition)

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