
MAC in the Studio

MAC in the Studio US Release 26.12.2009

Eine neue Wimperntusche kommt diesen Winter noch auf uns zu. Leider scheint sie wieder nicht wasserfest zu sein, darauf muss ich wohl noch ewig warten :-D

"Dramatic, daring Lashes have been a chic and urbane part of the modern Artist's persona since Edie and friends made it all happen Downtown, on block-print canvas or grainy 16-millimetre film. Multi-media, counter-culture, the ultimate cool. In The Studio is the epitome of the look updated, featuring new Studio Fix Lash in Black Fix or Studio Brown, with the latest thermoplastic synth-rubber moulded brush, designed to kill clump as it seperates lashes."

Studio Fix Lash
Black Fix - Black
Studio Brown - Brown

Studio Fix Powder (permanent)

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