
MAC Trend Forecast Spring 17 LE

MAC Trend Forecast Spring 17 LE Release September 2016 (MAC Store und MAC Online-Shop exklusiv)
Wie immer gibt es auch für die nächste Frühlings Saison 2017 eine Trendvorschau von MAC. Mit zwei Paletten und zwei Studio Eye Gloss.

MAC Trend Forecast Spring 17 Lip Palette 45,50€
Bright On Trend – clean, bright pink with no pearl (Casual Colour)
Steal The Scene – deep bright berry stain with no pearl (Casual Colour)
Pink You Said – soft, warm pink with no pearl (Casual Colour)
Utterly Crisp! – clean red with no pearl (Casual Colour)
Look Out Spring – pale peach with no pearl (Casual Colour)
Mood Changer – bright, clean coral with no pearl (Casual Colour)

MAC Trend Forecast Spring 17 Eye Palette 45,50€
Best Belt Blue – denim blue with low level pearl (Cream Colour Shadow)
Spruced Up – crisp, deep, bright green with low level pearl (Cream Colour Shadow)
Off-Beat -soft cinnamon with pearl (Cream Colour Shadow)
Chic Pea – soft yellow-green with pearl (Cream Colour Shadow)
A Plum Find – deep, bright purple with low level pearl (Cream Colour Shadow)
Ro Ro Rosy – soft, warm pink with pearl (Cream Colour Shadow)

Studio Eye Gloss 23€
Clear As Glass – clear, high-shine with no pearl
Next Up Neon – high-shine “iodine” yellow-orange with no pearl
Bildrechte Maccosmetics

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