
MAC Creme Team LE

MAC Creme Team LE US Release 5.2.2009

Es gibt das neue Cremesheen Lipglass. Die Lippenstifte werden alle permanent bis auf Lavender Whip.

"Double desire. Love-me-two-times lips. A clever girl carries the conversation by making you believe in both sides of her story: Creamy, quixotic colour, and hard-line, super-sexy
Introducing Cremesheen Lipglass, the perfect performance teammate to Cremesheen Lipstick, now in more drenched-with delicious shades than seasons past. Make yourself all the more
convincing with Cremestick Liner, to fill in the little gaps, and prevent feathering or bleeding. Creme Team talks a glamorous game. Lips part to plead for more!

Creme Cup - Light blue pink (Permanent)
Shy Girl - Creamy neutral coral beige (Permanent)
Crosswires - Clean pinky orange (Permanent)
Lickable - Bright clean blue pink (Permanent)
Lavender Whip - Light cool lavender
Creme in Your Coffee- Creamy mid-tone pinked brown (Permanent)
Hang Up - Deep berry (Permanent)

Cremesheen Lipglass
Ever So Rich - Sheer lilac
Fashion Scoop - Pale cool baby pink with light pearl
Boy Bait - Light neutral beige with pearl
Partial Pink - Light creamy yellow pink with light gold pearl
Melt in Your Mouth - Mid-tone creamy clean pink
Petite Indulgence - Mid-tone bright blue pink
Crème Anglaise - Mid-tone neutral mauve
Looks Like Sin - Sheer deep berry

Cremestick Liner (permanent)
Sublime Culture - Pink/caramel fusion
Pink Treat - Dirty Pink
Caramellow - Neutral caramel
Velvetella - Blackened plum

Bilder Maccosmetics

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