
MAC Well Defined

MAC Well Defined US Release 5.2.2009

Es gibt eine neue Studio Sculpt Foundation und den Studio Sculpt Concealer. Alle Produkte werden/sind permanent.

"What makes the topography of an interesting face so compelling? The shapes, forms and planes are often made, not born. The secrets of sculpting features, creating volumes where they were once lacking, defining areas that didn’t seem so important, all but hold the power of transformation in your hands! Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation and Studio Sculpt Concealer put infinite possibility at your fingertips! 191 Square Foundation Brush is state-of-the-art application for foundation, 195 Concealer Brush finishes with ultimate precision. Among the finest tools we have."

Studio Sculpt Foundation
NC15, NC20, NC30, NC35, NC37, NC40, NC42, NC44, NC45, NC50, NC55, NW15, NW20, NW25, NW30, NW35, NW40, NW43, NW45, NW47, NW50, NW55

Studio Sculpt Concealer
NC15, NC20, NC30, NC35, NC42, NC45, NC50, NW15, NW20, NW25, NW30, NW35, NW40, NW45, NW50

Prep+Prime Face
An ultra-fluid lotion formulated with special-effect silicones. Calms and soothes the skin, blots away excess oil, and evens out skin redness. Improves the laydown and application of foundation or powder.

191 Foundation Brush
195 Concealer Brush

Bilder Maccosmetics

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