
MAC Neo Sci Fi LE

MAC Neo Sci Fi LE US Release 29.5.2008

Sci-Fi-Delity - Burnt red with golden pearl (Frost)
Pleasureseeker - Creamy peach (Glaze)
Astral - Mid-tone brown with red pearl (Lustre)
Electro - Bright orange (Lustre)
Sunsonic - White gold (Lustre)

Supreme - Bronze brown with white pearlized pigments
Naked Space - Creamy mid-tone nude peach
Pink Grapefruit - Pink-orange with gold pearl (Repromote)
Soft and Slow - Mid tone creamy plum (Repromote)

Cremestick Lip Liner
Beurre - Dirtied plum (Repromote)
80% - Deep, deep cocoa (Repromote)
Summerfruit - Pale coral (Repromote)

Magnetic Fields - Black brown with silver pearlized pigments (Lustre)
Femme Fi - Frosty golden cream (Veluxe Pearl)
Evening Aura - Frosty golden peach (Veluxe Pearl)
Time and Space - Frosty copper (Frost)
Expensive Pink - Pink with gold duochrome (Veluxe Pearl) (Repromote)

Spaced Out - Shimmery peach (Sheertone Shimmer)
X-Rocks - Shimmery mauve (Sheertone Shimmer)


Nail Laquer
Metalist - Copper with white pearl
Plasma Blu - Turquoise with white pearl
Neon 8 - Brilliant orange with orange pearl
Phosphor - Buzzing bright yellow
Bilder Maccosmetics

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