
MAC Solar Fields LE

MAC Solar Fields LE US Release 29.5.2008

Solar Bits
Transforming free-formed clusters of rich pigment and pearl. Applies shine and sparkle to eyes, cheeks, wherever you want highlights. Crush for full color and sparkle effect; for a light shimmer, sweep your brush over the top of the clusters. Wear with skin made provocatively golden through Bronzing Powder in Solar Riche and Refined Golden. Apply with 168 and 239 Application Brushes.
Sunpower - Light metallic tan with gold pearlized pigments
Bronzescape - Yellowed-brown with gold pearlized pigments
Black Ore - Rich black with gold pearlized pigments
Scatterays - Soft metallic peach with gold pearlized pigments

Bronzing Powder
Refined Golden - Finely spun golden with soft pearl finish (permanent)
Solar Riche - Mid-tone brown with slight oranged undertones

168 Large Angled Contour Brush
239 Eye Shader Brush
Bilder Maccosmetics

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