Big Bow (Glaze) Hello Kitty LE, Colour Crafted (Frost) Colour Craft LE

Strange&Exotic (Lustre) Strange Hybird LE, Made with Love (Colour Craft LE)

Strayin' (Frost) Hello Kitty LE, Cute-Ster (Lustre) Hello Kitty LE

Frenzy (Frost) standard, Profusion (Amplified) standard

Viva Glam II (Satin) standard, Lady Bug (Lustre) standard

Chic (Frost) standard, Make me Melt (Lustre) Intriguing Scarlet 3 Pink Lips Palette LE

Overjoyed (Lustre) Intriguing Scarlet 3 Pink Lips Palette LE, Up the Amp (Amplified Creme) standard

Bombshell (Frost) standard, Chatterbox (Amplified Creme) standard

Please Me (Matte) standard, Pink Plaid (Matte) standard

Chili (Matte) standard, Pink Nouveau (Satin) standard

Impassioned (Amplified Creme) standard, Lady Danger (Matte) standard

Creme Cup (Cremesheen) standard, MAC Red (Satin) standard

Fusion Pink (Amplified Creme) PRO, Myth (Satin) standard

Viva Glam VI SE Special Edition LE (Lustre) , Bubbles (Glaze) Sugarsweet LE

A Rose Romance (Lustre) Rose Romance LE, Way to Love (Lustre) Rose Romance LE

Adore It (Glaze) Adoring Carmine LE, Altered Beige (Lustre) Colour Forms Neutral Lips Palette LE

Angel (Frost) Standard, Antiquitease (Frost) Antiquitease LE

Astral (Lustre) Neo Sci Fi LE, Barely Lit (Lustre) Smoke Signals LE

B-Babe (Frost) Brunette Blonde Redhead LE, Brew (Lustre) Smoke Signals LE

Burnished Bikini, Cassis Royal (Lustre) Colour Forms Cool Lips Platte LE

Coral Polyp (Amplified) Dame Edna LE, Crazee (Frost) Red She Said LE

Creme d' Nude (Cremesheen) Standard, Dark Side (Amplified) Standard

Devoted (Lustre) Devoted Poppy Coral Lips Palette LE, Electro (Lustre) Neo Sci Fi LE

Fast Lane (Lustre) Rushmetal LE, Fast Thrill (Frost) Electro Flash LE

Flowerplay (Lustre) Strange Hybird LE, Fresh and Fun (Frost) Colour Forms Warm Lips Palette

Full Fuchsia (Amplified) PRO und Euristocrats LE, Full Blown (Frost) Balloonacy LE

Girl About Town (Amplified) Standard, Gladiola (Matte) Dame Edna LE

High Strung (Frost) Standard, High Top (Glaze) Fafi LE

Hollywood Nights (Satin) Heatherette LE, Inner Hue (Lustre) Colour Forms LE

Kanga-Rouge (Amplified) Dame Edna LE, Lavender Whip (Cremesheen) Creme Team LE

Lollopop Loving (Glaze) Heatherette LE, Mauvellous (Amplified) discounted

Mellow Flame (Lustre) Smoke Signals LE, Melrose Mood (Amplified Creme) Heatherette LE

Miss Rose (Lustre) Colour Forms Pink Lips Palette LE, Modern Ms. (Frost) Barbie LE

Neon Orange (Amplified) PRO und Euristocrats LE, New York Apple (Frost) Standard

"O " (Frost) Standard, Oh Garnet (Amplified) Colour Forms Warm Lip Platte LE

Overrich (Glaze) C Shock LE, Party Mate (Lustre) Naughty Nauticals LE

Pink Poodle (Lustre) discounted, Pomposity (Frost) C Shock LE

Pop Circle (Lustre) Colour Forms LE, Port Red (Frost) Naughty Nauticals LE

Racy (Frost) Adoring Carmine LE, Ramblin' Rose (Frost) Standard

Real Doll (Lustre) Barbie LE, Red She Said (Amplified) Red She Said LE

Rocking Chick (Frost) Barbie LE, Rose go Round (Lustre) Colour Forms LE

Rouge Noir (Lustre) Nocturnelle LE, Ruby Darling (Frost) Adorn LE

Russian Red (Matte) Standard, Saint Germain (Amplified) Standard

Sci Fi Delity (Frost) Neo Sci Fi LE, Show Orchid (Amplified) PRO und Euristocrats LE

Soft Talk (Lustre) Devoted Poppy Coral Lips Palette LE, Solar Plum (Frost) Moonbathe LE

So Scarlet (Amplified) Cult of Cherry LE, Square Root (Frost) Colour Forms Neutral Lips Palette

Strawbaby (Lustre) Fafi LE, Stylistic (Cream) Stylistics LE

Sunmetal (Frost) Moonbathe LE, Sunsonic (Frost) Neo Sci Fi LE

Sway (Frost) Novel Twist Coral Lips Palette LE, Sweet&Single (Lustre) Barbie LE

Sweetie (Lustre) Standard, Swirl (Frost) Novel Twist Pink Lips Palette (LE)

Tanarama (Frost) Standard, Thrills (Frost) Rushmetal LE

Vegas Volt (Amplified) Standard, Vivacious (Lustre) C Shock

Viva Glam V (Lustre), Viva Glam VI (Lustre)

Strange&Exotic (Lustre) Strange Hybird LE, Made with Love (Colour Craft LE)
Strayin' (Frost) Hello Kitty LE, Cute-Ster (Lustre) Hello Kitty LE
Frenzy (Frost) standard, Profusion (Amplified) standard
Viva Glam II (Satin) standard, Lady Bug (Lustre) standard
Chic (Frost) standard, Make me Melt (Lustre) Intriguing Scarlet 3 Pink Lips Palette LE
Overjoyed (Lustre) Intriguing Scarlet 3 Pink Lips Palette LE, Up the Amp (Amplified Creme) standard
Bombshell (Frost) standard, Chatterbox (Amplified Creme) standard
Please Me (Matte) standard, Pink Plaid (Matte) standard
Chili (Matte) standard, Pink Nouveau (Satin) standard
Impassioned (Amplified Creme) standard, Lady Danger (Matte) standard
Creme Cup (Cremesheen) standard, MAC Red (Satin) standard
Fusion Pink (Amplified Creme) PRO, Myth (Satin) standard

Viva Glam VI SE Special Edition LE (Lustre) , Bubbles (Glaze) Sugarsweet LE
A Rose Romance (Lustre) Rose Romance LE, Way to Love (Lustre) Rose Romance LE

Adore It (Glaze) Adoring Carmine LE, Altered Beige (Lustre) Colour Forms Neutral Lips Palette LE

Astral (Lustre) Neo Sci Fi LE, Barely Lit (Lustre) Smoke Signals LE
B-Babe (Frost) Brunette Blonde Redhead LE, Brew (Lustre) Smoke Signals LE
Burnished Bikini, Cassis Royal (Lustre) Colour Forms Cool Lips Platte LE
Coral Polyp (Amplified) Dame Edna LE, Crazee (Frost) Red She Said LE
Creme d' Nude (Cremesheen) Standard, Dark Side (Amplified) Standard
Devoted (Lustre) Devoted Poppy Coral Lips Palette LE, Electro (Lustre) Neo Sci Fi LE
Fast Lane (Lustre) Rushmetal LE, Fast Thrill (Frost) Electro Flash LE
Flowerplay (Lustre) Strange Hybird LE, Fresh and Fun (Frost) Colour Forms Warm Lips Palette
Full Fuchsia (Amplified) PRO und Euristocrats LE, Full Blown (Frost) Balloonacy LE

Girl About Town (Amplified) Standard, Gladiola (Matte) Dame Edna LE
High Strung (Frost) Standard, High Top (Glaze) Fafi LE
Hollywood Nights (Satin) Heatherette LE, Inner Hue (Lustre) Colour Forms LE
Kanga-Rouge (Amplified) Dame Edna LE, Lavender Whip (Cremesheen) Creme Team LE
Lollopop Loving (Glaze) Heatherette LE, Mauvellous (Amplified) discounted
Mellow Flame (Lustre) Smoke Signals LE, Melrose Mood (Amplified Creme) Heatherette LE
Miss Rose (Lustre) Colour Forms Pink Lips Palette LE, Modern Ms. (Frost) Barbie LE
Neon Orange (Amplified) PRO und Euristocrats LE, New York Apple (Frost) Standard
"O " (Frost) Standard, Oh Garnet (Amplified) Colour Forms Warm Lip Platte LE
Overrich (Glaze) C Shock LE, Party Mate (Lustre) Naughty Nauticals LE
Pink Poodle (Lustre) discounted, Pomposity (Frost) C Shock LE
Pop Circle (Lustre) Colour Forms LE, Port Red (Frost) Naughty Nauticals LE
Racy (Frost) Adoring Carmine LE, Ramblin' Rose (Frost) Standard
Real Doll (Lustre) Barbie LE, Red She Said (Amplified) Red She Said LE
Rocking Chick (Frost) Barbie LE, Rose go Round (Lustre) Colour Forms LE
Rouge Noir (Lustre) Nocturnelle LE, Ruby Darling (Frost) Adorn LE
Russian Red (Matte) Standard, Saint Germain (Amplified) Standard
Sci Fi Delity (Frost) Neo Sci Fi LE, Show Orchid (Amplified) PRO und Euristocrats LE
Soft Talk (Lustre) Devoted Poppy Coral Lips Palette LE, Solar Plum (Frost) Moonbathe LE
So Scarlet (Amplified) Cult of Cherry LE, Square Root (Frost) Colour Forms Neutral Lips Palette
Strawbaby (Lustre) Fafi LE, Stylistic (Cream) Stylistics LE
Sunmetal (Frost) Moonbathe LE, Sunsonic (Frost) Neo Sci Fi LE
Sway (Frost) Novel Twist Coral Lips Palette LE, Sweet&Single (Lustre) Barbie LE
Sweetie (Lustre) Standard, Swirl (Frost) Novel Twist Pink Lips Palette (LE)
Tanarama (Frost) Standard, Thrills (Frost) Rushmetal LE
Vegas Volt (Amplified) Standard, Vivacious (Lustre) C Shock
Viva Glam V (Lustre), Viva Glam VI (Lustre)