Baby Sparks - Pale pink with violet pearl
Funtabulous - Purple with violet pearl
Comet Blue - Violet blue
Like Venus - Clean light bubble gum pink with red pearl
Love Alert - Raspberry red with red pearl
Money, Honey! - Mid-tone rosy mauve with red pearl
Ms. Fizz - Bright pink with blue pearl
Pleasure Principal - Clear white violet, teal and white pearl
Spanking Rich - Raspberry pink with red and gold pearl
Steppin' Out - Clean yellow pink with red pearl
Sugar Rimmed - Milky pale pink with red, teal and white pearl
Glamour OD - Bright coral red with red pearl
Date Night - Deep plum with blue and gold pearl
Bare Necessity - Caramel apricot with red and gold pearl
Rags to Riches - Plumy pink with teal and red pearl
Get Rich Quick - Warm yellow brown
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