Apres Sol - Bronze-beige with gold pearl (lustre)
Pink Cabana - Bright coral-pink with gold pearl (frost)
Coppertime - Hot copper with silver pearl (lustre)
Sundressing - Bronzed plum with pearl (frost)
Tanarama - Soft pale golden beige with icy golden shimmer (frost)
Glamoursun - Sun-beige with pink pearl (frost)
Languish - Bronzed wine with gold pearl (frost)
Tres Cher! - Fresh mid-tone with gold pearl (frost)
C-thru - Soft pale peachy-beige with golden shimmer (cream)
Relaxing - Pale copper buff with red frost (frost)
Summer Neutral - Soft Olive green with frost (frost)
Bateau - Wood brown (matte)
Fontainbleu - Mediterranean blue with pink duochrome (lustre)
In Living Pink - Peachy-pink with gold pearl (veluxe pearl)
Gold Dusk - Light yellow gold
Softwash Grey - Grey with purple pearl
Powerpoint Eye Pencil
Stubborn Brown - Rich cocoa brown
Light as Air - Pure mid-tone blue
Pro Lash
Coal Black - True black
Beauty Powder
Shell Pearl - Fresh mid-tone peach with gold pearl
Sunsparked Pearl - Bright sunny beige with gold pearl
Sundressing Spray Bronzer
Medium - Sheer light golden caramel with soft gold nuances
Dark - Mid-tone golden bronze
Deep - Dark Deep warm bronze with rich golden pearl
Nail Lacquer
Seadip - Sea-blue with red and purple duochrome (frost)
Resortwear - Pure soft gold with pearl (frost)
Summery - Sun-drenched apricot (cream)
Cabana - Molasses brown with red pearl (frost)
Bild Maccosmetics
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